- Services
- Billing System
We identified an issue to be affecting a portion of our users where they might experience issues with subscribing, modifying, update details on billing page or viewing some of billing pages due to an ongoing incident on one of our partners side
Engineers are actively working on the fix and we will provide an update as soon as possible
Our partners have confirmed to have implemented the fix and are monitoring the results
Everything should now be back to normal. If anything still seems not working properly, please clear your browser cache and cookies for pipedrive page and try again. If any issues persist, contact us and we'll investigate further.
[Resolved] Billing System Issue
Began: Ended: Duration: -
- Connections
- Calendar Sync
- Email Sync
- Email Integration
- Smart BCC
Issues with Microsoft services might be impacting functionality of Email and Calendar sync
Microsoft has identified the issue on their side and are working on mitigating it.
Issues in Microsoft services are being fixed and we can observe our services recovering as well
Everything should now be back to normal. If anything still seems not working properly, please clear your browser cache and cookies for pipedrive page and try again. If any issues persist, contact us and we'll investigate further.
Incident has been resolved
[Resolved] Email and Calendar Sync Issue with Microsoft
Began: Ended: Duration: - Past notices
- No further notices from the past 30 days.